Monday 19 October 2020

10 Ways How LED Lighting Can Give You More Savings



LED lights are expensive, and many people are having second thoughts about switching to this option. What if I tell you that it can save you more on energy bills and you will have a return on your investment when you switch to LED lighting?

The first LEDs or light-emitting diodes received criticisms because it is too cold in colour temperature since they are more blue-white than warm yellow. However, the new versions were able to match the halogens for colour. Furthermore, LED lighting is more efficient and has more advantages to offer.

Here are the benefits of opting for an LED lighting upgrade for your property.

1. LED lighting has a longer lifespan. Compared to other types of lighting, LED lights can have 100,000 hours of operational time, which is four times more than the lifespan of traditional lighting solutions. It can also last 40 times longer than an incandescent bulb.

2. LED lighting is smaller in size. You may not notice this, but it is an underrated advantage of LED lights. Being small means that you can use them in tight places. When you talk to an electrician about LED lighting upgrade services, ask them how you can consolidate the lighting solution to save not only money but also space.

3. LED lighting has no wasted light. LEDs can emit light at 180 degrees. There will be no wasted light when you use it, which means there is less wasted energy, thus more savings.

4. LED lighting is very durable.


These are solid-state lights, which, unlike in traditional lights, have no glass around them. It makes the bulb more durable and less likely to break or get damaged.  

5. They are Energy Efficient. The selling point of LED lighting is it consumes less power than its traditional counterparts. It costs less to operate and can bring about 75% improvement in energy efficiency. You can also save further by talking to your electrician to strategically place LED lights to achieve more coverage.

6. LED lighting can be dimmed. Another advantage of LED lighting is it can operate with different energy inputs. You can have full control over its brightness to take advantage of this feature and have more savings.

7. LED lighting is safer. Unlike incandescent bulbs, LED lights do not generate heat that could cause fire or injury. When something goes wrong with them, it will less likely cause any damage or injury.

8. LED lighting has a great Color Rendering Index (CRI). Higher CRI is a coveted quality because it works better at lighting up objects and in revealing their true colours. LED lights can make objects appear brighter.

9. LED lighting has no warm-up period. Many commercial lighting spends a considerable amount of time to warm up and reach its full brightness. With LED lights, no energy is wasted and reaches its full brightness at once.

10. LED lighting can operate on low voltage. With such property, that means you can use LED lights outdoors because they are safe and efficient. It will also allow for more customization, depending on your needs.

Key Takeaway

McIntosh Electrical 

An LED lighting upgrade is the best option if you want to reduce your operating costs and save money. You can speak with your electrician how you can adapt to this new and efficient way to save on energy bills.

Friday 19 June 2020

5 Benefits of Hiring an Emergency Electrician in Balmain

Electrician Balmain

Our modern lives cannot function without electricity. From the moment we wake up until we close our eyes, we are dependent on electricity. Even industries depend on electrical power to operate. An electrical emergency may happen and when it is spiralling out of control, you need an emergency electrician Balmain to look into it
Even a flickering light or a small buzzing sound can cause an alarm. When these situations are left unattended, they can go from bad to worse. When this type of problem arises, you should call a local electrician Balmain to provide solutions.

There are many benefits of hiring an Emergency electrician as it is better to be safe than sorry. Read this article to find the reasons why emergency electrical services are important.


The main reason why you should call an emergency electrician for the electrical problem is for safety. Electricity is complicated and even if fixing the problem could save you money, you are exposing yourself, your loved ones, and your property to greater risk. Even a slight mistake could lead to fire and electrocution.

Hiring an emergency electrician will give you peace of mind that you are handing over the job to a professional who knows those best safety procedures. They will have the right tools to work on the problem by causing further damage.

24-Hour Service

Emergency Electrician Balmain
Electrical emergencies do not follow a schedule. It can happen in the middle of the night or during holidays and weekends. Providing electrical services 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year is what emergency electricians are for.

By being available at all times, you can rest assured that they will be at your doorstep the moment that you call them.

Instant Response

Because your electrical problems cannot wait till morning, emergency electricians are quick to respond to your call. They cannot prolong the repair because your safety is always at stake here. They also know that the sooner they can get to your place, the quicker they can work on the problem.

Saves You Money

If you think that you are saving money by repairing the electrical problem yourself, think again. Emergency electricians may cost a little bit more than ordinary electricians but when you call them at the nick of time, they can solve your problem right away. When they arrive on your doorstep, they are saving your property from further damage.

Skilled Electricians

It is impossible to list all the possible electrical emergencies as they are unpredictable. But when you hire an emergency electrician, you will be amazed at how adept they are in solving any electrical issue that comes their way. They are skilled like that.


Local Electrician Balmain
McIntosh Electrical
In case you encounter an electrical emergency in Balmain, you don’t have to think twice about calling for an electrician. An emergency electrician knows just what to do during emergencies.

Tuesday 31 March 2020

When to Call for an Emergency Electrician in Sydney

Emergency Electrician Sydney

Electrical emergencies always happen at the most inopportune times. And when it does, we can get easily overwhelmed with what’s going on. That is quite understandable because we want to get immediate solutions to our current problem. But before dialing your phone for the nearest emergency electrician Sydney, there are some questions that you need an answer.

Do you need an immediate solution to your problem? Can you mitigate the problem? Does it fall to the category of emergency? You also have to understand that Sydney emergency electricians may ask for a premium on top of their rates because, yes, they are rendering services outside of the regular business hours.

Electricity is vital to our lives, and it is also volatile and complicated. The last thing you need is to be at a loss of what to do. So, to take care of your questions, we are going to differentiate what is a typical electrical problem that can wait in the morning and what are electrical emergencies.

Debunking Electrical Myths

Some parts of the electrical systems consistently run unnoticed, and when it stopped working the way it should, it will not do any serious harm at all. We need to point these out so that you will not call for an electrician emergency Sydney when you encounter them in the future.

1. Breaker Trips are not always Threatening.

When your breaker suddenly trips, it is protecting your home from electrical overuse. The breaker can detect this, and it is normal. The most common culprit here is when you plugged in too many things in a single circuit. If it happens once, you need to unload some from your outlet. But if it happens all the time, you need to have an electrician to look into it.

2. Flickering Lights are normal.

Emergency Electrician

Lights may flicker when there is a sudden surge of electricity moving through your system. It sometimes happens when you turn on a powerful tool or an appliance with a high wattage like an electric heater. Another reason could be storms. It does not necessarily call for an electrician, but it is an indication that you need a visit from them in the future to check your load.

3. Sparks in the Outlets.

There is a thin line that separates what an emergency is and what is not here because it can be either of them. If the spark happens without provocation or if the sparks are going on for an extended amount of time, you better call for an emergency electrician Sydney. However, if the spark happens when you plug something into the outlet, it means you need to have your outlets replaced soon.

What Constitutes an Electrical Emergency?

Remember this: if you feel at risk, that is an emergency. Don’t take your chances and call an emergency electrician right away to alleviate your fears.

If you are unsure, call for emergency service when you are experiencing any one of these:

  • You experienced mild or moderate electrical shock on your outlets, appliances, or wires.
  • You notice an acrid or burnt wire smell in your home
  • The outlets are sparking without provocation
  • Your breakers are tripping all over the house and will no re-engage
  • The outlets are showing signs of burning, melting, or blackening
  • Lights are constantly flickering and have a buzzing sound
  • There are signs of an electrical fire


Emergency Electrician Services
McIntosh Electrical

An electrical emergency is not something that you should play around with. Don’t try to handle the situation or mitigate the problem if you are not a licensed electrician. It will make matters worse, and you might get injured in the process. In Sydney, call for an emergency electrician from McIntosh Electrical. They have available electricians 24/7 and open day or night, even during weekends and holidays.

Wednesday 18 March 2020

The Best Electrician In Hornsby

Electrician Hornsby

When looking for a proper electrician in town, look no further. Get one of the best electrician Hornsby in town, and let them deliver the best service for you all the time. Their team of experts have the best skills and experience when it comes to providing the best knowledge as well as decades of experience to your doorstep. Thy are strict in our quality of service, and the experts have a proper code ethic. You know that you can always trust them to do the job.

Honest Up Front Pricing

You can have peace of mind as there are no additional costs after they finish fixing the electrical appliances for you. As fixing electricity are sometimes an emergency, therefore you can call the team - they are the best emergency electrician Hornsby at your service.

Turn Up The Moment You Call

They know how important it is to be on time. The experts make sure to call 30 minutes before they arrive at your doorstep so that you can be ready for them to go right into your house to fix the electrical issue in the house.

Professional And Clean Services Offered To You

Your house will be treated like their own, with proper care. Their staff are friendly and polite so that you feel at home all the time. After that, they are confident that you will call them again if there are future problems in their electrical appliances. The customer service they offer is the best in town, and the experts ensure that it is smooth sailing.

How Do You Install PowerPoint In Your House

Local Electrician Hornsby
Many residential homes do not have enough power points. If you live in an old apartment, this is what usually happens. Large rooms like the kitchen or home theatre need more electricity sockets, and there are generally not enough sockets to fit in all the appliances in that room. Moreover, older houses might only have one outlet in each place, making it hard to fix in all the devices. In the end, the owner has to resort to using multiple adapters.

The team provides proper power point installation services. No matter you want to upgrade to double power points or install new power points, they are here to help you. They make sure to install all the needed power points for each section of the house. To make sure the family is safe, they test the power points as well.

LED Downlights Installation

Downlights are attractive and one of the best lighting options available. However, the halogen lights are costly to run, so as everyone sees electricity bills shooting up like mad, they make sure that you can save money by getting rid of halogen downlights and start using LED lights instead. Then you can cut the cost to up to 80% the current price for the lighting bills.

Don't risk your life and the safety of the family by doing a job that can be done by a licensed, experienced electrician. Value your life and make sure not to do a job that is dangerous to save a little cost. The team here has the experience to do everything for you. You can have peace of mind knowing that all the work is appropriately done based on the current standards. They also make sure not to interrupt your daily routines as well.

Emergency Electrician Hornsby
McIntosh Electrical
If you need an electrician, call the experts today to get a free quote. They will reach your home fast if you need them immediately. Email them now, and they  will revert to you in a short time.

Sunday 1 March 2020

The 5 Top Qualities of a Professional You Should Hire for Your Electrician Jobs in Sydney

Electrician Jobs Sydney

Electricity is essential for our everyday lives. It has plenty of uses from lighting our homes to powering the heavy machinery in factories. And when our electrical services require a person to look after it, there is only one person to call a qualified electrician. The electrician is responsible for all electrician jobs Sydney.

When hiring an electrician, you should not be hiring just anyone else. Instead, you should be hiring the best for the electrician jobs. To be able to hire the best, you should consider the qualities to look for in one. With this knowledge, you will be able to differentiate the good from the mediocre electrician.

Here are some of the qualities that you should be looking for in an electrician.

1. The Electrician Should Be Well-qualified and Licensed

First things first, the electrician You should be hiring must have the proper certification and license to carry out the job. They should be certified and licensed according to their expertise. There are many programs for electricians designed to enhance their capabilities and skills in their chosen field. A license is proof that an electrician qualifies in the examinations is capable of doing their job.

2. They Have the Relevant Experience

The best electrician in Sydney should have the necessary experience to be able to tackle the different electrician jobs that may arise and need their expertise. When you have an experienced electrician working for your issues, you know that he knows the ins and outs of the problem. With the necessary amount of experience, the electrician will be able to tackle your electrical issues.

3. They Offer Free Quote

Electrician Jobs

If you have a reliable electrician, he or she will offer an estimate for the electrician jobs in your property. He will visit the place to check the amount of work to done and give you a ceiling amount. Don't trust an electrician who provides a quote right away without seeing the scope of work.

4. Have the Proper Safety Precautions in Place

A professional electrician should consider not only his safety but others' safety too. This is why he will take all the necessary precautions to mitigate any threats to yours and your properties. Make sure that he also has the required insurance to cover any eventualities while he is on your premises and doing electrician jobs Sydney.

5. Know the Proper Use of Technology

When you are looking for an electrician, look for someone who is updated with the use of the latest and more advanced technologies and the related tools and equipment. These things are necessary for more reliability and can shorten the time to complete the work.

6. Offers Service Warranty

A reliable electrician offers a service warranty on their work because they always stand behind his work. A guarantee ensures that they did their best on their electrician jobs. It shows their level of professionalism and the level of confidence in their ability.

There you have it, the qualities that you should be looking for in an electrician to make an informed decision when selecting them. If you are looking for a good electrician, you should evaluate them using the above parameters. Hire an electrician from McIntosh Electrical, and you will find that they tick all the boxes for these qualities.

McIntosh Electrical
Are you looking for an electrician in Sydney? Make sure that you contact McIntosh Electrical. They are always ready to complete the electrician jobs you have with their excellent service and their highly professional electricians. They also have electricians prepared to respond to your emergency needs.

Thursday 20 February 2020

How to Hire a Professional Emergency Electrician

Emergency Electrician Sydney

Have you experienced a major electrical emergency? Do you find it hard to hire a professional emergency electrician on the spot? Although this does not happen quite often, when it does, we cannot wait for the next day to have it fixed. It can bring a lot of inconveniences. You can troubleshoot minor electrical hiccups like blown fuses or burnt bulbs, but major ones can be problematic.

Since our modern lives depend more on electricity, our activities will come to a halt if we did not attend to our electrical problems at once. That’s the reason why we should have an emergency Sydney in our speed dial. Don’t have it yet? I suggest you read this guide to help you find the best emergency electrician near you.

Here are some tips on how to find an emergency electrician Sydney.

Look for a Reputable Electrical Contractor

During an electrical emergency, your first instinct is to call the nearest emergency electrician near you. It makes sense because you want them to come to your rescue at once. You can find many electricians around your area offering these services. However, the reliability and quality of their work are not guaranteed. You can still hire a competent local emergency electrician if you do the following:

Try Searching Online

Using simple keywords like “emergency electrician near me” will give you plenty of results. You can find better options if you do target search like typing “emergency electrician Sydney. It will provide you with the local electricians available.

Check the suggested by going on their website or their social media pages. Read the reviews to check what their customers have to say about the quality of their work.

Ask your Family Members, Friends, and Neighbours

Emergency ElectricianIt is more comfortable to ask the people around you to recommend an emergency electrician that they have worked with before. Asking them about the nature of their electrical problem, how fast this electrician responded, and the quality of their work can give you an idea if they are reliable or not.

There are many companies in Sydney that have local offices like McIntosh Electrical. If your friends and family members have availed of their services, they will tell you about their experiences.

Check their Qualifications

Hiring an emergency electrician needs is not easy because it needs to fulfill a set of requirements, even if you need them for emergencies. You need to check if the electrician is licensed, insured, and bonded. Troubleshooting electrical issues is more complicated than it seems, and you cannot place your safety to someone who is not an expert.

You can check these requirements on the company’s website. By doing background research about the company even before an emergency will do you good. This way, you can learn about their background and determine their experience in the field. It is also a necessity that they know the electrical codes and carries the necessary permit for electrical works. Choose an electrician that is known to follow standards and has a transparent working system.

Get the Estimate

Usually, you have to pay a premium when hiring an emergency electrician. It makes sense because you are hiring them out of the regular business hours, or maybe on a weekend or holiday. They are also pulling some resources from other projects to respond to your emergency. However, the amount you need to pay to hire them should be reasonable.

A highly reputable company would send their electrician, do an assessment, and give you a quote that is within the industry standards.

Emergency Electrician Services
McIntosh Electrical
It is best to handle electrical emergencies as soon as possible. In Sydney, contact McIntosh Electrical. They have the best electrician and will come to your rescue at once. 

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Essential Electrical Tools For Electricians In Marrickville

Electrician Marrickville

Typically, most experienced electricians in Marrickville and other nearby places should have a wide range of quality and specialized electrical tools that can help them do their jobs efficiently and safely. For this reason, you should make sure that the professional you hire is equipped with the right tools and equipment when handling your electrical projects.

Below are the essential electrical tools for electricians in Marrickville:

1. Voltage Tester

When it comes to electrical matters, one of the things electricians will check is whether a device or wire is live or not. Besides, dealing with a live cable or equipment can be dangerous for them.

Therefore, you should make sure that your electrician Marrickville upon coming to your home, has a voltage tester in their toolbox. This tool can be used to determine if there’s electricity without having to touch the outlet or wire with your bare hands.

2. Pliers And Screwdrivers

Just like plumbers, dedicated electricians use pliers and screwdrivers when performing their electrical jobs. For instance, pliers are essential for manipulating and cutting wires. And depending on the type of cable they deal with, they usually bring reaming pliers, side-cutting pliers, and many more.

On the other hand, your electrical expert should also have a wide range of screwdrivers. These tools can be used to fasten or loosen different pieces of hardware.

3. Wire Strippers

Another essential tool for electricians is a pair of wire strippers. This electrical tool, for instance, is perfect for cutting and stripping insulation from the electrical wires. It comes with a row of gauged holes that are used to strip wires in various sizes. And aside from a voltage tester, a pair of wire strippers should be available in your electrician’s toolbox.

4. Multimeter

When it comes to measuring several electrical properties such as DC voltage, current, voltage, and resistance, your electrical specialist should have a multimeter. This tool can be considered as a digital device, and the best ones even have thermal imaging cameras.

5. Conduit Bender

When your local electrician Marrickville needs to determine a wiring route, they should use a quality conduit bender to make the process much easier. Ideally, this electrical tool can be used for curving conduit piping to access these routes easily and make sure the conduits are appropriately placed in your home.

6. Tape Measure

This is the standard electrical tool that your electrician should have in their toolbox. Without a standard tape measure, your electrical professional can’t be able to take measurements and set the height for your outlets and switches. Not only that, but a tape measure can be used to mark surfaces for cutouts and center boxes for a lighting fixture.

7. Electric Drill

One of the tasks of an electrician is the installation of new lighting fixtures or disassembly of installed hardware and other electrical components. Because of this, your electrician should bring an electric drill when working on this task. If they have this tool, they can speed up your electrical jobs.

8. Flashlight

When you have an emergency electrical problem at night, your emergency electrician Marrickville should always bring a flashlight to allow them to work in the dark and in tight spaces. With a flashlight, you can rest knowing that the electrician can perform their job effectively.

9. Fish Tape

If your electrical work involves routing new wiring through metal, walls, and electrical conduit, then your electrician should bring a fish tape. Most fish tapes come in different lengths, which is easy to grip and be retracted.


McIntosh Electrical
With these electrical tools in mind, you can have peace of mind knowing that your skilled electrician is always prepared to handle any electrical work. Whether it’s a major or minor problem, the electrical expert you hire can certainly perform the job properly as long as you have quality hand tools in your toolkit.